• 1.1. Electric charges, conductors and insulators
    • 1.2. Coulomb's law
    • 1.3. Electric Field
    • 1.4. Superposition of electric fields
    • 1.5. Electric field lines
    • 1.6. Electric dipoles
    • 2.1. Electric potential
    • 2.2. Equipotential surfaces
    • 2.3. Finding electric field from electric potential
    • 3.1. Electric flux
    • 3.2. Gauss's law
    • 3.3. Electric field of various symmetric charge distributions -1
    • 3.4. Electric field of various symmetric charge distributions -2
    • 4.1. Capacitors and capacitance
    • 4.2. Capacitors in series and parallel
    • 4.3. Dielectrics
    • 5.1. Current and current density
    • 5.2. Resistivity
    • 5.3. Resistors
    • 5.4. Circuits and emf
    • 5.5. Energy and power in circuits
    • 5.6. Conduction in metals
    • 6.1. Resistors in series and parallel
    • 6.2. Kirchhoff's rules
    • 6.3. Electrical measuring instruments
    • 6.4. R - C circuits
    • 6.5. Household wiring
    • 7.1. Magnetic forces
    • 7.2. Magnetic field lines and flux
    • 7.3. Motion in a magnetic field
    • 7.4. Magnetic force on a conductor
    • 7.5. Magnetic torque
    • 7.6. Electric motors
    • 7.7. The Hall effect
    • 8.1. Magnetic field of a moving charge
    • 8.2. Magnetic field of a current-carrying conductor
    • 8.3. Magnetic field of a long, straight, current-carrying conductor
    • 8.4. Magnetic force between current-carrying conductors
    • 8.5. Magnetic field of a current loop
    • 8.6. Ampere's law
    • 8.7. Magnetic fields due to current distributions - 1
    • 8.8. Magnetic-fields due to current distributions - 2
    • 8.9. Magnetic materials
    • 9.1. Faraday's law
    • 9.2. Lenz's law
    • 9.3. Motional emf
    • 9.4. Induced electric fields
    • 9.5. Displacement current and Maxwell's equations
    • 10.1. Mutual inductance
    • 10.2. Self-inductance
    • 10.3. Magnetic-field energy
    • 10.4. R-L circuits
    • 10.5. L-C circuits
    • 10.6. L-R-C series circuits
    • 11.1. Phasors and alternating current
    • 11.2. Voltage, current and phase angle
    • 11.3. Resistance and reactance
    • 11.4. Impedance and the L-R-C series circuits
    • 11.5. Power in ac circuits
    • 11.6. Resonance in ac circuits
    • 12.1. Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves
    • 12.2. Sinusoidal electromagnetic waves
    • 12.3. Electromagentic waves in matter
    • 12.4. Energy and momentum in electromagnetic waves
    • 12.5. Standing electromagnetic waves
    • 13.1. Light and its properties
    • 13.2. Reflection and refraction
    • 13.3. Total internal reflection
    • 13.4. Polarization of light
    • 13.5. Polarization by reflection
    • 13.6. Huygens's principle
    • 14.1. Reflection and refraction at a plane surface
    • 14.2. Lateral magnification
    • 14.3. Focal point and focal length
    • 14.4. Relating object and image distances
    • 14.5. Thin lenses
    • 14.6. Sign rules
    • 14.7. Cameras
    • 14.8. The eye
    • 14.9. The simple magnifier
    • 14.10. Microscopes and telescopes
    • 15.1. Interference and coherent sources
    • 15.2. Two-source interference of light
    • 15.3. Intensity in interference patterns
    • 15.4. Interference in thin films
    • 15.5. Michelson interferometer
    • 16.1. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction
    • 16.2. Single-slit diffraction
    • 16.3. Diffraction gratings
    • 16.4. X-ray diffraction
    • 16.5. Circular aperture and resolving power

Electric charges, conductors and insulators

1. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Electric charges and electric field
2. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Electric Potential
4. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Capacitance and dielectrics
5. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Current, resistance and electromotive force
6. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Direct-current circuits
7. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Magnetic field and magnetic forces
8. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Sources of magnetic field
9. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Electromagnetic induction
11. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Alternating current
12. ELECTROMAGNETISM - Electromagnetic waves
13. OPTICS - The nature and propagation of light
14. OPTICS - Geometric optics
15. OPTICS - Interference
16. OPTICS - Diffraction