• 1.1. Invarience of physical laws, simultaneity
    • 1.2. Time dilation
    • 1.3. Length contraction
    • 1.4. The Lorentz transformations
    • 1.5. The doppler effect for electromagnetic waves
    • 1.6. Relativistic momentum and energy
    • 2.1. Photons
    • 2.2. The photoelectric effect
    • 2.3. Photon production, photon scattering and pair production
    • 2.4. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle for particles
    • 3.1. De Broglie waves and electron diffraction
    • 3.2. The nuclear atom
    • 3.3. Atomic line spectra and energy levels
    • 3.4. The Bhor model
    • 3.5. The laser
    • 3.6. Blackbody radiation
    • 3.7. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle for particles
    • 4.1. Wave functions
    • 4.2. Particle in a box
    • 4.3. Wave functions and normalization
    • 4.4. Finite potential well
    • 4.5. Patential barriers and tunneling
    • 4.6. Quantum harmonic oscillator
    • 4.7. Measurement in quantum mechanics
    • 5.1. Three-dimensional problems
    • 5.2. Particle in a three-dimensional box
    • 5.3. The hydrogen atom
    • 5.4. The Zeeman effect
    • 5.5. Electron spin
    • 5.6. Many-electron atoms
    • 5.7. X-ray spectra
    • 5.8. Quantum entanglement
    • 6.1. Molecular bonds and molecular spectra
    • 6.2. Solids and energy bands
    • 6.3. Free-electron model if metals
    • 6.4. Semiconductors
    • 6.5. Semiconductor devices
    • 7.1. Nuclear properties
    • 7.2. Nuclear binding and structure
    • 7.3. Radioactive decay
    • 7.4. Biological effects of radiation
    • 7.5. Nuclear reactions
    • 8.1. Fundamental particles
    • 8.2. Particle accelerators and detectors
    • 8.3. Particles and interactions
    • 8.4. Quarks
    • 8.5. Symmetry and the unification of interactions
    • 8.6. The expanding universe and its composition
    • 8.7. The history of the universe

Invarience of physical laws, simultaneity

1. Relativity
2. Photons: light waves behaving as particles
3. Particles behaving as waves
4. Quantum mechanics I - wave functions
5. Quantum mechanics II - Atomic structure
6. Molecules and condensed matter
7. Nuclear physics
8. Particle physics and cosmology