• 1.1. A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions #biolog
    • 1.2. Two types of cells #prokaryotic #eukaryotic #biology
    • 1.3. Different shapes of cells #rbc #wbc #platelet #neuron #mesophyll #tracheid #biol
    • 1.4. #bacterial cell, #plant cell #fungal #animal
    • 1.5. Functions of various cell organelles #cell #biology
    • 1.6. Cell nucleus #cell #nucleus #biology
    • 1.7. Functions of various cell organelles #mitochondria #plastids #biology
    • 1.8. Various functions of cell organelles present in Eukaryotic cells only #eukaryoti
    • 1.9. Cell cycle #cell #biology
    • 1.10. Differences between passive and active transport in cells
    • 1.11. Classification of chromosomes based on the position of centromere
    • 2.1. BioTech principles #biotech
    • 2.2. Tools used in bio-technology #biotech
    • 2.3. Tools of rDNA technology-cloning vectors #biotech
    • 2.4. Tools used in bio-tech competent host #biotech #biology
    • 2.5. Tools used in bio-tech - cloning vectors #biotech
    • 2.6. Restriction enzymes - their action #biotech #biology
    • 2.7. Vector cloning genes in plants & animals #biotech
    • 2.8. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) #biotech #pcr
    • 2.9. Obtaining the foreign gene product #biotech #biology
    • 2.10. BioReactor #biotech
    • 3.1. Gene Therapy #biotech #gene #biology
    • 3.2. Applications of biotechnology in medicine #biotech #biology #medicine
    • 3.3. Applications of biotechnology in Molecular Diagnosis
    • 3.4. ELISA test procedure #biotechnology #applications #biology
    • 3.5. Transgenic animals & their uses to human beings #biotechnology #biology #applica
    • 3.6. Advantages of GM Plants #biotechnology #biology #applications
    • 3.7. Role of Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) in Agriculture #biotechnology #biology #appl
    • 3.8. RNAi mechanism preventing plants of economic importance from infections #biotech
    • 3.9. Bio ethics #biotechnology #applications #biology
    • 3.10. Somatic Hybridisation - #biotechnology #biology #applications
    • 4.1. Factors that affect health #health #disease #biology
    • 4.2. Infectious diseases #health #disease #biology
    • 4.3. Infectious diseases #health #diseases #biology
    • 4.4. Life cycle of malarial parasite #health #diseases #biology
    • 4.5. Life cycle of Plasmodium #health #diseases #biology
    • 4.6. Types of immunity #health #diseases #biology
    • 4.7. Anitbodies - the humoral immune system #health #diseases #biology #immunity
    • 4.8. Types of acquired immunity #health #biology #diseases #immunity
    • 4.9. Replication of retrovirus inside an animal cell #biology #health #diseases #viru
    • 4.10. Lymphoid organs #health #diseases #biology #organ
    • 4.11. Drug abuse - a major concern #biology #drug #abuse
    • 4.12. Adverse effects of drugs and alcohol abuse #biology #health #disease #drugs
    • 4.13. Prevention and control of drug abuse among adolescents #biology #health #disease
    • 4.14. Auto immunity #health #disease
    • 4.15. Cancer #health #disease
    • 5.1. Popular microbes - their uses #biology #microbes
    • 5.2. Popular microbes - their uses #biology #microbes
    • 5.3. Microbes as bio - control agents #biology #microbes
    • 5.4. Microbes as biofertilizers #biology #microbes
    • 5.5. Compounds from microbes - medicinal use #biology #microbes
    • 5.6. Biogas plant #biology #biogas
    • 5.7. Microbes in sewage treatment plants #biology #microbes
    • 6.1. Organisms and populations #biology #organisms
    • 6.2. Response of living beings to external stress #biology #organisms
    • 6.3. Attributes of population #biology #organisms
    • 6.4. Adaptations of organisms #biology #organisms
    • 6.5. Population growth #biology #organisms
    • 6.6. Growth models - population growth curve #biology #organisms
    • 6.7. Predation - role of predators #biology #organisms
    • 6.8. Defence mechanisms in prey population #biology #organisms
    • 6.9. Competition among organisms #biology #organisms
    • 6.10. Competitive release and resource partitioning #biology #organisms
    • 7.1. Species interaction #species #interaction
    • 7.2. Parasitic adaptations #population #interaction
    • 7.3. Brood parasitism #population #interaction
    • 7.4. Commensalism #population #interaction
    • 7.5. Mutualism #population #interaction
    • 7.6. Sexually deceptive orchids #population #interactions
    • 7.7. Amensalism #population #interaction
    • 8.1. Stamen - the male part of the flower #reproduction #plants
    • 8.2. Microsporogenesis #reproduction #plants
    • 8.3. Pollen Grain #reproduction #plants
    • 8.4. The Pistil #reproduction #plants
    • 8.5. Megasporogenesis #reproduction #plants
    • 8.6. Pollen-pistil interaction #reproduction #plants
    • 8.7. Post fertilization changes #reproduction #plants
    • 8.8. Fruits types #reproduction #plants
    • 8.9. Seed dormancy #reproduction #plants
    • 8.10. Artificial hybridisation in plants #reproduction #plants
    • 8.11. Pollination #reproduction #plants
    • 8.12. Open and closed flowers #reproduction #plants
    • 8.13. Adaptations of wind pollinated flowers #reproduction #plants
    • 8.14. Adaptations of insect pollinated flowers #reproduction #plants
    • 8.15. Adaptations of water pollinated flowers #reproduction #plants
    • 8.16. Outbreeding devices #reproduction #plants
    • 8.17. Apomixis and polyembryony #reproduction #plants
    • 8.18. Advantages of apomictic seeds over hybrid seeds #reproduction #plants
    • 8.19. Coleorrhiza, Coleoptile, Perisperm #reproduction #plants
    • 8.20. Pollen bank, Anemophily, Entomophily, Hydrophily #reproduction #plants
    • 8.21. Zoophily, Chiropterophily, Ornithophily, Malacophily #reproduction #plants
    • 9.1. Father of Genetics #genetics
    • 9.2. Terms used by Mendel #genetics
    • 9.3. Terms used by Mendel #genetics
    • 9.4. Advantages of choosing garden pea plant for genetic experiments #genetics
    • 9.5. Mendel's laws of inheritance #genetics
    • 9.6. Punnett square #genetics
    • 9.7. Inheritance of two genes #genetics
    • 9.8. Independent assortment of chromosomes #genetics
    • 9.9. Non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance - 1 #genetics
    • 9.10. Non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance - 2 #genetics
    • 9.11. Non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance #genetics
    • 9.12. Differences among dominance, incomplete dominance and co-dominance #genetics
    • 9.13. Multiple alleles #genetics
    • 9.14. Linkage and crossing over #genetics
    • 9.15. Sex determination in humans #genetics
    • 9.16. Sex determination in honey bee #genetics
    • 9.17. Sex determination in birds #genetics
    • 9.18. Mendelian disorders #genetics
    • 9.19. Pedigree chart #genetics
    • 9.20. Chromosomal disorders #genetics

A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions #biology

1. Cell Structure - Unit Of Life
2. Bio Technology Principles & Processes
3. Bio Technology Applications
4. Human Health & Disease
5. Microbes In Human Welfare
6. Organisms & Populations
7. Population Interaction
8. Reproduction In Plants
9. Genetics